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Fashion Trends Mood Board by Victoria Roe inspired by ๐™ˆ๐˜ผ๐™๐™† ๐™”๐™Š๐™๐™ ๐™’๐˜ผ๐™‡๐™‡ Color Palette #07

Victoria Roe is a Fashion guru with over 16 years of experience in working in the education and fashion industry in Vietnam, Shanghai, Singapore and the UK. For the last eight years Victoria has been collaborating with CPED and FASHION4FREEDOM where she is officially recognized as an investor into philanthropy and cultural development in Vietnam. She is currently a Lecturer at Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) where she coordinates and delivers fashion courses at Donghua University, in Shanghai. Today we are honored to have her collaborate with MARK YOUR WALL on Color Palette Inspiration #07.

Hello Victoria, please tell us more about yourself.

More about myself? Mmm... I think this can be done through a collection of words such as: creative, collaborator, educator, facilitator, design activist, craft and culture addict, sustainability, mother, wife, vegan, laughter, determined, driven, strong, fierce, faithful, loving, caring and reflective.โ€ฏ Core to everything is the overwhelming desire to strive for a better way of being and doing, in relation to how I personally live and the world around me. In my career this is what drives me, a fundamental belief that the fashion industry needs to change to one that meaningfully contributes to the societies, cultures and the environment it operates within.

What colors inspire you the most and in what way?

Colours have the ability to sooth, relax, inspire and invigorate. Therefore my need and use of colour endlessly evolves and I spend hours defining the colour palettes in my work, wardrobe and home. I do know I have a constant use of a soft, refined colour palette with a hint of juxtaposition, such as neon pink or green.

Tell us how Mark Your Wallโ€™s Color Palette #07 inspired the fashion mood board that youโ€™ve created.

The colours in this palette not only inspired the selection of the pieces, but also the ethos behind their creation, an ethos centered around sustainability and reflected in MARK YOUR WALL. From the highly thought provoking designers Dries Van Noten and SACAI, to industry leader Stella McCartney, to the small niche contemporary brand BARABARA and to the Vietnamese contemporary craft pieces by WRONG and FASHION4FREEDOM.

Thank you Victoria for this wonderful selection!

Follow and support her projects on Instagram at and


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